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Expand Your Talent Market to Solve the Talent Shortage Crisis

Whether an employer or consumer, everyone has been affected by the talent shortage.

Across all industries employers are reporting a shortage in the access of employees and an increasingly higher turnover rate. This has caused an increase in the cost to hire and retain talent, and continual disruptions to business as usual.


What can we do about the talent shortage?

Start searching the internet and talk to others. Almost everyone we contact shares their challenges and innovative solutions to their unique talent shortage situation.

  • Reorganize administrative services into Shared Service Centers, providing efficient resources to shared workforces

  • Implement a range of technological solutions, like video meeting platforms, E-signature tools, and project management software

  • Expand your talent market by hiring virtual talent in different parts of the country, or even the world

  • Hire up-and-coming professionals and provide job training, or hire interim professionals through staffing agencies when the need is urgent

  • Go back to square one and solidify your employer brand, re-evaluate your market value including your mission, vision and values

  • Implement an employee referral program, placing your best brand ambassadors in the position of spreading the good word

  • Strive to be an Employer of Choice in your niche market, including an evaluation of employee remuneration, leadership, innovation, and community integration

The talent shortage has gone beyond unfilled vacancies causing stagnant growth. Companies of all sizes report production stoppage, low morale among their workforce from overworked and burned-out employees, and lost business contracts. If you´re tired of being part of the constant talent dating game or throwing more money at the problem, it´s time to consider an alternative.

Hiring international professionals can enrich domestic operations, expanding your talent pool as well as your business horizons. 


Benefits to Hiring International Talent

  • It goes without saying that international employees bring specific communication skills to your business. Expand your clientele base, your vendors and even your network into target countries. 

  • If the global pandemic taught us anything, it´s that geography is not a barrier to productivity in business. Every week new tools, software and systems hit the market to make virtual teamwork more efficient. 

  • Many countries can offer a cost-savings on many administrative positions that are increasingly hard to fill. And even if the costs are similar, the access to an increased number of candidates eager to meet your needs will feel refreshing.

  • One of the top benefits of hiring international employees is culture. Employees are shaped by their upbringing, economics, politics, and their education, among others. These life experiences bring new ways of solving problems, thinking outside of the box and dreaming of a better future.

  • Some of the top specialized universities are located outside of the United States. If seeking specific skill sets and expertise, international talent may be your solution. Technology is closing the gap on quality educations with distance learning. 

  • Time is a huge benefit. Depending on what side of the world your employees are located, they can either collaborate in real-time with you or extend your productive hours.

  • Enhance your corporate image with a diverse workforce, attracting better talent to job openings and new clients to your business. Being an international company has never been as easy as today.

Hiring international talent for your business is increasingly more attractive and efficient with tools and payroll service providers located all across the world to help you expand your talent pool beyond borders.

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Courtney Vandeburg

Courtney Vandeburg


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