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Long Term Care Planning

Long-term care insurance can be beneficial for several reasons, depending on individual circumstances and preferences. Here are some reasons why long-term care insurance can be considered a good thing:

  1. Financial Protection: Long-term care (LTC) services, such as assisted living, nursing homes, and home healthcare, can be expensive. Having LTC insurance helps protect your assets and savings from being depleted rapidly due to the high costs of long-term care. Your money should go towards its intended purpose.
  2. Preserves Independence: With long-term care insurance, you may have more options for the type of care you receive and where you receive it. This can help you maintain a higher level of independence and control over your care decisions. Otherwise, the state will decide where you go for what you need.
  3. Relieves Burden on Family: Long-term care insurance can reduce the burden on family members who might otherwise have to become care givers or cover the costs of care. This can help maintain healthier relationships and prevent financial strain within the family.
  4. Guaranteed Coverage: By purchasing LTC insurance when you’re younger and healthier, you’re more likely to qualify for coverage and receive more affordable premiums. Waiting until you actually need care can make it difficult or costly to secure coverage or not being eligible at all.
  5. Inflation Protection: Many long-term care insurance policies offer options to adjust benefits for inflation. This helps ensure that the benefits keep up with the rising costs of long-term care services.
  6. Flexibility: Depending on the policy, you can choose the level of coverage, the types of care settings, and the length of time for which you’ll be covered. This flexibility allows you to tailor the policy to what you want.
  7. Peace of Mind: Having long-term care insurance can provide peace of mind knowing that you have a plan in place to cover potential future care needs, relieving you and your loved ones of the worry about how to pay for such services. Ask somebody who owns a policy how they feel about it.
  8. Access to Better Care: With LTC insurance, you might have access to a wider range of care options and higher-quality facilities that you might not be able to afford otherwise. People with money (insurance) get better care!

Submitted by Jim Better of Essential Plans of Insurance

Jim Better

Jim Better


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