Chairs Tracey Filbeck and Vance Barse- Dallas II

The Chair Corner 0 replies 0 votes 259 views
Pam Vetter 2 years

Veteran chairs Tracey Filbeck and Vance Barse in Dallas II have their Chair roles down to a science. Setting the example for engagement, the group understands that their collective time is valuable. People are motivated to engage regularly as the key issues raised are common among all members, so the group Members naturally want to be involved. If someone is taking the, “sit back and listen” approach, Vance, and Tracey turn to them and remind them that their input is both wanted and valued. Tracey’s favorite part of the meeting are those “aha moments” after a mastermind session. Seeing the lights go on is truly something special. Vance looks forward to seeing how the high-level collaboration brings the group closer each month. 

When asked what they have learned about themselves while serving as Chairs, Tracey recalls the early days and how she was focused on the structure of the meetings. Now she is more comfortable with letting go of some of the structure to allow organic conversations to develop into meaningful mastermind sessions. Vance believes that Chairing the group is a good reminder that life is about progress, not perfection. Hearing the successes and challenges of fellow members allows him to see that progress is moving forward on a regular basis. 

Vance feels that being one of the Chairs of Dallas II is a “fantastic opportunity to endeavor leadership to facilitate a meaningful and enriched experience for our Highrise cohort and its members. It is fundamentally important that Highrise Members are granted a platform that allows them to not only build community but also maximize their business and personal lives.” 

Lastly, Tracey and Vance understand the importance of in-person interactions and strive to have monthly hybrid meetings. The advice they would give to new Chairs or members looking to get re-engaged with their groups is to set up one-on-one meetings. Setting up those meetings helps deepen and build relationships in the group. The investment in the Highrise experience is rooted in the meetings where collaboration and camaraderie are flowing.