Chairs Sam Maxwell and Tom Rockel - Encino Sherman Oaks

The Chair Corner 0 replies 0 votes 283 views
Pam Vetter 2 years
Co-Chairs Sam Maxwell and Thomas Rockel of Encino Sherman Oaks, have gotten in a groove, and they are making positive waves in their group. When asked what they most look forward to in leading their group, both Chairs said that building relationships with their Members is at the top of the list. Sam really enjoys the monthly meetings because he loves hearing about the wins and success stories from everyone. Sam also strongly believes in meeting in person saying, “Nothing replaces getting together in person.” Thomas said he looks forward to his one-on-one meetings because he can get to know the Members more intimately. Taking on this leadership role at Highrise has taught both Sam and Thomas new things about themselves. Sam has learned the importance of preparation and works closely with Thomas to come up with an agenda each month, along with open-ended questions. He has also been reminded of the importance of active listening. Thomas has learned that he enjoys planning social events and also the importance of preparation and planning. When we asked them to share their best practices they use in their group, Sam and Thomas talked about working together to ensure they are reaching out to all Members during the meeting to engage them. One of them will ask a specific question to involve quieter Members, and they communicate with one another during the duration of the meeting. They also implemented Monthly Pairings where they assign one-on-one meetings to be completed before the next meeting. These best practices have helped the group grow closer together which helps with camaraderie, commitment, and engagement. Lastly, we asked Sam and Thomas what advice they would give to New Chairs, New Members, or Members re-engaging with their group. Thomas said, “Every Member in Highrise is a value-add, it’s up to you to determine for whom and how.” Sam noted, “Networking takes time. The success stories are built by putting in the time and effort. Attending the forums, going to the verticals, and going out to lunch with someone new can make all the difference.”