Webinar: Beneath The Surface: 3 Hidden Threats to Preserving Your Financial Legacy
Time: Monday, October 28, 2024, 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Featured Speaker:
Keith Conley, Partner, Wealth Team Alliance
Description: Very soon, a significant transfer of wealth through trusts will shift from older generations to younger ones. Receiving an inheritance is thought of as a blessing. But the reality is that the blessing of an inheritance often becomes a burden. In this webinar, “Beneath The Surface: 3 Hidden Threats to Preserving Your Financial Legacy,” we will uncover the three key reasons why the inheritance you leave could cause more harm than good—and, more importantly, how you can change that outcome to ensure your legacy truly benefits your children and grandchildren. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to protect your family and preserve your wealth for future generations.
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